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Our Cabin |
Since a little before I was born my parents have been visiting Vogel State Park in north Georgia. When I was born the tradition somehow shifted over to going up there at Easter. When I think back over the years if I had to identify one place where my love of the outdoors started I would say it is this park. Before my memory begins my dad was carrying me around in a backpack (sometimes getting lost) through the trails surrounding this park. I learned to fish, hike, and enjoy being out of the city, in this place. So you can imagine how excited that I was heading back to a place that holds so many memories for me.
I missed the last few years since Natalie and I moved out to Seattle but this year I headed back. This year Natalie was not able to because she was covered up with work and it did not line up with any of her holiday time but I hope next year that will be different. I caught a red eye flight into Atlanta, leaving Seattle at 11pm Wednesday night. This put me on the ground in Atlanta at around 7am. I took the train down to near my parents house where they met up with me and we headed back to the house. I pounded a coffee when I landed so I was feeling pretty good. I think at that point I was powered 1/2 by coffee and 1/2 by excitement to be back in Atlanta. My parents put me right to work re-hanging a bird feeder that had been knocked off the house. Always a good idea to be climbing 30 feet up in the air after 4 hours of sleep. :)
We grabbed some lunch and headed up to the mountains. After a few hours we arrived and it was exactly as it was 4 years ago when I had been there last. Barely any cell service, no tv, no phone.... perfect!!
Family Picture |
My brother got in later that night and we had a great time catching up. The four of us spent the next 4 days just like we always did each Easter. We hiked, lounged around, visited with each other and were not bothered by the real world at all. Palmer and I even got in a full day of fishing on the Toccoa river with a guide (best Christmas present ever). The fish did not want to cooperate but we managed to get 7 in the day and it was a beautiful day. It was great being back out with my brother who I do not get to see enough. The day came to a close way too soon and we headed back to the cabin.
The whole trip actually went way to fast but that just means it was a lot of fun I suppose. It is pretty cool being in a spot where some of your earliest childhood memories are from. The place is still exactly the same and it is just as hard to leave each year.
Hopefully Palmer and I will work out a fishing trip on this coast soon and I think my parents will be out in the next few months as well so it will be good to see everyone again.
Looking forward to being back at Vogel again next year.
Lady Slipper |
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